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Launch of ImaginitTV : Your Virtual Made Reality

Join the UniverCity at ImaginitTV. Join change makers in Virtual Reality as together we solve some of the globe's most pressing issues. Based on the 8 Global Priorities of

Launch of ImaginitTV : Your Virtual Made Reality
Launch of ImaginitTV : Your Virtual Made Reality

Time & Location

Time TBD

Location TBD

About the event

Bridging the gap between online social media and meeting face to face, ImaginitTV will allow users to interact with others with similar interests and to come together and achieve mutual goals.

This is social VR at its best. Your "LAVATAR" is life-like and takes you places you could never of even dreamed possible.

Combining VR technology with online communities, entirely new worlds will be open for exploration, socializing, entertainment and changing the way we interact online. Businesses and educational institutions will become part of the VR evolution, seamlessly bringing members together for open communication and depth of interactions and activities.

Our First Focus is for Entrepreneurs Solving Global Challenges. We provide: VR rooms, spaces, activities to encourage networking, engagement in meaningful dialogue / discussions, planning sessions, hosting Summits / events, sharing (videos, talks, materials, etc).

Our Second Focus is for global citizens who would enter VR Portals to become ‘better humans’. We provide experiences in VR to engage the Imagination, overcome obstacles, learn skills and enable Members to host spaces, to lead activities and enjoy our revenue share program.


Poet’s Café™ Choose a lounge for participating in “spoken word”.

Pitch’n Putt™ Investors and entrepreneurs meet on the golf course.

Good Sports™ Pros meet with wannabes to ‘coach’ their sport.

Game Rooms for raising funds for charities (play a game like chess, crib, darts, pool).

Family Reunions: You can’t get their physically but enjoy from laptop or TV screen in VR.

Speaker Circuit: Listen to your favourite speaker who you may otherwise not be able to afford to or couldn’t due to geographic and time constraints.

Global Think Tank™ Engage in mindful respectful dialogue with inventors, innovators, social entrepreneurs solving global challenges, in the 8 Global Priorities of

CrowdFun Theatre™ Enter the CrowdFunding/Entrepreneur theatre, a grand large outdoor screen (or indoor) watch a CF video, vote CrowdFunders projects up or down, 'invest' or 'contribute' real time, ask the host questions about their project, watch FunditTV news & Pitch Videos.

MentorMagic™ Be paired up with a mentor for personal, business, spiritual, and do an activity together, or sit and chat in a private quiet lounge.


T a k i n g Yo u r O r d e r , W h a t Wo u l d Yo u L i k e t o E x p e r i e n c e ?

  • Skydiving
  • Performing in front of a large audience
  • Building new neuro-pathways
  • Engaging new synaptic connections
  • Brain Training
  • Becoming who we want to be:
  • Conquering Mt. Everest
  • Travelling at the Speed of Light
  • Visiting other planets
  • Playing an Instrument
  • Being the Star of your own Show

“Everything You Can Imagine Is Real” – Pablo Picasso


“WhereEver You Are VR”

“VR Bar™ / VR Fit™”


• Exchanging ideas within private meeting spaces which are then fed into the collective public experience should participants agree.

• Select a domain from a Menu of Portals otherwise you can elect to be alerted via SMS according to your profile and permissions

• Accessible by all hardware: Rift, HTC vive and PS4 for immersive VR, cardboard and other VR goggles.

• When a Portal becomes full or reached an allocated cut off time, participants are able to observe similar to

• The platform is a deeply encrypted portal in a closed system with security ensuring rights of privacy, content ownership and safety.

• Content creators (individuals and members within a group) will have ownership over their content. Within our formula, content creators that garner advertising and sponsorship will be paid in Lava. For example a poet could conceivably earn an income stream from our platform.

• Users can be “in the room” with: Famous people, their heroes, people they have been eager to meet that might be out of their reach as well as friends and relatives. Users can also be matched with others who meet their needs such as an intended audience, a VC/Angel Investor, a friend with similar interests and others who can lend resources to a cause.

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